To install the operating system and configure TCP/IP on DHCP
- Start your computer using the Windows Server 2012 product disc or other digital media.
- When prompted, enter a product key, accept license terms, configure clock, language, and regional settings, and provide a password for the local Administrator account.
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and sign-in using the local Administrator account.
- If you are prompted to enable Windows Error Reporting, click Accept.
- Click Start, type ncpa.cpl, and then press ENTER. The Network Connections control panel will open.
- In Network Connections, right-click Wired Ethernet Connection and then click Properties.
- Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
- On the General tab, choose Use the following IP address.
- Next to IP address type and next to Subnet mask type It is not necessary to provide an entry next to Default gateway.
- Next to Preferred DNS server, type
- Click OK twice, and then close the Network Connections control panel.
DHCP1 will serve as a domain controller, DNS server, and DHCP server for the Active Directory domain.
- The Server Manager Dashboard is displayed by default. In the navigation pane, click Configure this local server.
- Under PROPERTIES, click the name next to Computer name. The System Properties dialog box will open.
- On the Computer Name tab, click Change and then type DHCP1 under Computer name.
- Click OK twice, and then click Close.
- When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.
- After restarting the computer, sign-in using the local Administrator account.
- In Server Manager, under Configure this local server, click Add Roles and Features.
- In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Next three times, and then on the Select server roles page select the Active Directory Domain Services checkbox.
- When you are prompted to add required features, click Add Features.
- Select the DHCP Server checkbox.
- When you are prompted to add required features, click Add Features.
- Select the DNS Server checkbox.
- When you are prompted to add required features, click Add Features.
- Click Next five times, and then click Install.
- Wait for the installation process to complete, verify on the Installation progress page that Configuration required. Installation succeeded on DHCP1 is displayed, and then click Close.
- Click the Notification flag and then click Promote this server to a domain controller. See the following example.
- In the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard, on the Deployment Configuration page, choose Add a new forest and then next to Root domain name, type
- Click Next, and then on the Domain Controller Options page, under Type the Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) password, type a password next to Password and Confirm password. Confirm that Domain Name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) are selected, and then click Next.
- Click Next four times, verify that All prerequisite checks passed successfully is displayed, and then click Install.
- The computer will restart automatically to complete the installation process.
- Sign in using the local Administrator account.
A domain administrator account is required to configure settings in the test lab.
- On the Server Manager menu bar, click Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
- In the Active Directory Users and Computers console tree, double-click, right-click Users, point to New, and then click User.
- In the New Object – User dialog box, type user1 under User logon name and next to Full name, then click Next.
- Next to Password and Confirm password, type a password for the user1 account.
- Clear the checkbox next to User must change password at next logon, select the Password never expires checkbox, click Next, and then click Finish.
- Double-click user1 and then click the Member Of tab.
- Click Add, type domain admins under Enter the object names to select, click OK twice, and then close the Active Directory Users and Computers console.
- Click Start, click Administrator, and then click Sign out.
- Sign in to the computer using the user1 credentials by clicking the left arrow next to your server name\Administrator and then clicking Other user.
Next, create a DHCP scope on DHCP
- On the Server Manager menu bar, click Tools and then click DHCP. THE DHCP console opens.
- In the DHCP console tree, navigate to IPv4. Right-click IPv4 and then click New Scope. The New Scope Wizard opens.
- Click Next and then type a name for the new scope next to Name (ex: Contoso-scope1).
- Click Next and then in IP Address Range, type next to Start IP address, type next to End IP address, and type 24 next to Length. The value of Subnet mask will change automatically to
- Click Next, and then in Add Exclusions and Delay type under Start IP address, type under End IP address, and then click Add. This allows the first ten IP addresses in the subnet to be used for static addressing of servers on the network.
- Click Next and then in Lease Duration under Limited to enter 0 Days, 0 Hours, and 2 Minutes. This very short lease duration will simplify the DHCP demonstration.
- Click Next three times, and then in Domain Name and DNS Servers, verify that the Parent domain is and is listed as the only DNS server.
- Click Next twice, and then in Activate Scope select Yes, I want to activate this scope now.
- Click Next, and then click Finish.
- In the DHCP console tree, right-click, and then click Authorize.
- Refresh the view in the DHCP console and verify that DHCP is authorized and that the Contoso-scope1 is active.